Last night's sunset off the coast of Washington. |
We finished our sampling with two final CTD casts. The weather inside Puget Sound was perfect: air temperatures in the high 60s with a slight breeze, accompanied by abundant sunshine. This was ideal for our other big task for the day--packing up. Starting at 08:00, we began to break down equipment, clear the work benches, and wash down our white storage containers with fresh water. They had accumulated a lot of salt from being on deck throughout the cruise. Like worker ants, we moved in and out of the lab to shuttle our stuff onto the back deck of the R/V Melville. By 15:00, we moved most of our lab equipment and supplied moved into their containers. During the day, I completed another few rounds of reading chlorophyll samples, followed by an impromptu tearing down ceremony of my dark room. It was like taking down a Christmas tree after the holidays--it all came down a lot faster than it went up.
A view of the lab in the morning. |
At the moment, most scientists are backing up their files, cleaning their rooms, and making final arrangements for arriving in Seattle. After passing through the Ballard Locks at 05:00 tomorrow morning, we will slowly steam to the University of Washington where we will unload. This process will take most of day and will conclude by 17:00. After that time, some scientists will head home (in Seattle). Others, will head to a hotel. The rest will stay on the ship for at least another night.
Trey and I are packing up as we get ready to disembark tomorrow. I will try to write a post early tomorrow before leaving the ship. I will be staying in Seattle for a few days...looking forward to my wife joining me this weekend. I really appreciate all that she as done for me so that I could take part in this experience.
Today is a milestone for me, as it marks my 100th day as a teacher at sea. As my fourth research cruise draws to a close, I would like to extend my thanks to our principal investigators for having Trey and I out to sea. Dr. Vera Trainer, Dr. Charles Trick, Dr. Mark Wells, and Dr. William Cochlan are world class scientists. I have learned so much from each of them and wish them well as they begin the next phase in this project -- putting it all together.
This is the best professional development a science teacher can receive. I cannot wait to share my experience with my colleagues and students. I believe that every science teacher should have opportunities like I have had.
Here are some photos from throughout the day. Enjoy! It's time for bed, Seattle awaits us.
This is where we will be at 05:00, tomorrow morning. |
Packing up on deck. |
In 25 days, I read over 1,100 chlorophyll samples on this fluorometer. |
Last CTD cast of cruise 1403. |
A view of Puget Sound. |
Almost all packed up.
A view inside the lab after supper.
It's hard to be serious when we are being photobombed by Captain Wes Hill. |
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